The Rookie in Action
by Sarat Lue
In August, I went out to three creek cleanup events in three different locations of Coyote Creek. Each event was unique in its own way, from the condition of the creek to the group of people that showed up. Nonetheless, the one thing that remains constant was the diversity of the group of people. It was really great to see that, considering the on-going battle in our nation regarding issue with race and identity. Here at our creek, people from all walks of life, from young Boy Scouts to retiree, showed up to support one great cause – helping out our environment. Together, we pulled out, literally, over 4 tons of trash in 3 events. With that amount of trash, it really shows how dirty our creek is. There were old mattresses, couches, buried bicycles, blankets, microwaves, and more. I could practically furnish my house with the items that were down there? Our creek deserves better than that.

Well, there is more than just trash that reside in our creeks. Yes, the ducks came out to say thanks to our volunteers. They deserve better than this. I wouldn’t want to live in a home full of trash, how about you?
It does not matter how old you are, where you came from, what religion you believe in, we are one big happy family down here. One team, one fight! Join our brothers and sisters at our events, see the creek with your own eyes, and enjoy the opportunity to meet new, interesting people. Be the difference for your very own community!