As the end of the year quickly approaches and the traditional season of celebration begins, the team at Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful would like to extend our appreciation to our friends. This week and over the next several weeks we are sharing our Seasonal Stories of Gratitude. Just as Coyote Creek nurtures and brings neighbors and friends together, we want to offer this gift as an expression of appreciation to our volunteers, donors, and friends.
We are committed to bring together community members of all ages and organization groups to enjoy the resilient ecosystem of Coyote Creek. Our success in achieving our mission is a direct reflection of our community's genuine interest in the health and vibrancy of Coyote Creek. Read more here.

Our BioBlitz Story
Over the past six years, we’ve hosted over 65 BioBlitz events, where over 3,300 people gather to take a walk in a park while learning about the nature within. Our docents are self-taught or formal naturalists who love to share their excitement and knowledge about the outdoors. It’s contagious! Read more here.

Our Coyote Creek Cleanups
The KCCB story started in 2015 with Coyote Creek cleanups and has inspired thousands in our community to take action to heal the creek and improve habitat. Over the last eight years, we’ve hosted 186 creek and trail cleanups with over 10,500 attendees who removed 782,736 pounds of trash!!! Thank you to all who have partnered with us. Read more here.

Shouting Out for Coyote Creek
Coyote Creek has many beautiful spaces that are, or could be, thriving parks. Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful offers community members the opportunity to use their voices on behalf of nature. The Coyote Meadows project is advocating for an open space park. We are a member of Protect Coyote Valley, which has helped save hundreds of acres of land from development. Read more here.

Restoring Coyote Creek
Improving the health of Coyote Creek requires more than removing trash, and KCCB volunteers have been instrumental in helping us! We work together side by side as land stewards accomplishing visible habitat restoration results. Our volunteers have worked with Hellyer County Park, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory, and Our City Forest to remove weeds and add plants and trees to improve nature, Read more here.

A Creek Connects Us Together!
Coyote Creek offers incredibly diverse plants and wildlife. KCCB hosts events throughout the year to create awareness of the Creek’s naturally rich offerings and to create community with our neighbors. Many friendships and community have been formed! Partnership activities include hikes, walks, Coyote Creek Habitat Day, and backpacking. Read more here.

Learning and Discover at Coyote Creek
Discovering nature and wildlife at Coyote Creek is fun! KCCB has been excited to offer a variety of school and community education programs. With the assistance of many volunteers and college students, we have developed curriculum and activities about Coyote Creek, wildlife, and pollution prevention that are fun for all ages. Also, we've created specatacular public art, including our latest paint treatment at William Street Bridge. Read more here.