Poster Cluster for Partnerships for a Healthy Coyote Creek Accepted
By Deb Kramer
Every other year, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership hosts the State of the Estuary Conference, which showcases the latest information about the estuary’s changing watersheds, impacts from major stressors, recovery programs for species and habitats, and emerging challenges.
The September 17th evening poster-session reception offers a chance to gather and talk informally with colleagues and other leaders engaged in current research and restoration activities. We submitted a poster cluster titled Partnerships for a Healthy Coyote Creek, and it was accepted!

The posters in our cluster are:
Community Creek Cleanups
Ebb and Flow: Connecting Creek and Curriculum at SJSU
Coyote Creek Mural Project
Beautifying Neighborhoods with Creek-themed Public Art
Project Study on Clean Creeks, Healthy Communities
The Coyote Creek Howl – A Community Conference
Contributing partners are:
City of San Jose
Clean Creeks/Healthy Communities
Downtown Streets Team
Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful
San Jose State University
Selma Olinder Elementary School
Please join us at the conference to celebrate the work by outstanding researchers and organizations. Learn more about the conference.
We are planning a date to have the posters for viewing after the conference. Stay tuned for when and where that will be.