By Paige Combs
Spring is here and it couldn’t have been a better time of year to come see the beautiful rolling hills and blooming wildflowers at Henry Coe State Park. It started late Friday afternoon down to Poverty Flat and proceeded through the weekend until late Sunday up Blue Ridge Trail and down to Hobbs Road and back to headquarters. Each night, we stayed along Coyote Creek, listening to the sound of the creek running with cool, clear water.

It felt like it had been a week that we were trekking in our very own bountiful backyard. There was so much to admire and appreciate from the frenzy of insects of all shapes and sizes, to the frogs that were hopping and jumping beside us Friday night, to the wild turkeys that crossed paths with us Saturday morning, to the wildflowers speckled against the trail and mountain side, and to our friendly little gartner snake (perhaps the western terrestrial gartner snake) we discovered upon our uphill endeavors. There were plenty of sites to see for all types of nature fanatics and to those who love Coyote Creek. It’s moments like these we take a pause in our busy lives and appreciate what used to be so commonplace throughout the valley…so pause and appreciate because only so many words can help describe what you yourself can go out and see. Go out and enjoy Henry Coe State Park! And remember, from the mouth of a fellow Henry Coe enthusiast we met upon the trail, “you never know in Coe” what can happen, and where the trails might take you.
