Guadalupe River Park Conservancy – 20 Years and Going Strong
By Deb Kramer
What a resource! The Guadalupe River Park Conservancy has been around for 20 years and provides the San Jose community with many educational and volunteer events, beautiful open space, and a nature-themed playground for children. Recently, I met with Volunteer Coordinator Jessica Gonzales and Education Coordinator Cindy Moreno about their work and visit the Rotary Play Garden. They do terrific work, and enlist many volunteers to make their projects successful.

While at the Rotary Play Garden, I learned that over 51,000 visitors have attended this space since it opened in May 2015. While there, I saw about 40 kids and 10 adults playing on the structures, looking at the various plants with insects, and just enjoying the open space. Definitely worth a visit if you have kids.
