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Why and How I Found KCCB

Tim Dobbins

My first love was Cayuga Creek in Western New York. I would take a short walk there after grade school to get away from my family, my troubles and, of course, my homework. It was shallow and calm with Weeping Willows on both shores. It was my refuge and endlessly fascinating. I did not realize at the time that these placid waters would keep on flowing several miles past Buffalo to the Niagara River and then roar over the Falls.

To this day,  if I drive over a bridge I will find out what waterway is underneath on a map  and follow the little blue line from start to finish knowing that it is doing a great job of draining the landscape, providing water for trees and reeds, deer and foxes, a home for salmon and trout and an endless source of beauty and wonder for human visitors.

It would be many years later after college, marriage, two children, dual careers as a waiter and nursery school teaching assistant that I would rekindle this love. When you retire you can do what you love and what I wanted was meaningful, physical, outdoor activity. With a quick search of volunteer opportunities, I found KCCB five years ago, and I have enjoyed every workday since. They keep me busy, and there is always more work left for next time so I just have to come back. 

Tim especially enjoys creek cleanups, no matter the weather.

I also volunteer at California State Parks, getting rid of invasive weeds and replacing them with native plants. Then, there is Shoreline Park in Mountain View where we have a fenced-in field as a protective home for Burrowing Owls and Monarch Butterflies. I have also adopted a mile of Rte. 237 from Caltrans and a mile of Permanente Creek from Valley Water. (This is my easiest job because it flows past Google Headquarters along a trail where hundreds of employees take strolls at break time, and they never, ever leave any trash for me to pick up.) I also have a plot in a Community Garden, take a five-mile hike with my retired friends every Thursday, and a Monday Current Events class. As you can see when you retire you can do whatever you love doing so I recommend that you all retire as soon as possible.

I love working with all the high school kids. They are usually shy but have a burning desire to Save the Planet. Then they become bewildered and a little intimidated by the homeless environment, but we try to keep the atmosphere light and positive so that they will come back. Then we have the industry and business groups - always  competitive, light-hearted and super organized.

Besides my love for the job, I come back for the KCCB Staff. Always glad to see me, friendly professional and caring. And always fun.

Tim weeding
Tim joins us at the Weeding for Wildlife in Alviso

To pass the time I like to make up scenarios about the items that I pick up. “How did you get here?” I ask. I keep hoping that I will stumble across a gold nugget dropped by a Forty-Niner, but in the meantime I am content with an unopened box of birthday candles and a small metal file box filled with handwritten recipes. 

And, Tim finds some weird stuff.

Please come join us.

Photos by Annette McMillan and Alex Hisen


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Copyright ©2025 Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful.

5273 Prospect Rd #304, San Jose, CA 95129

408-372-7053 |

All rights reserved. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID: 82-1286610.

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