What’s a better way to end a 97-degree day than to cool-off at one of our beautiful parks in San José? That’s right, approximately 160 people of all ages attended the final Kelley Park Sunset Walk on September 13th at Kelley Park. This was the third year of the series, and the fifth of the summer. The event kicked off with friends and families gathered around Kelley Park Amphitheater and enjoyed learning about snakes, possums, and more!
After the show, it was time for the hike! Attendees were split into small groups led by Coyote Creek Ambassadors who talked about the park and its environs. From learning about the Creek to seeing 150-year old trees, everyone gained some insight into how beautiful and ecologically diverse our surroundings are.
One of the group leaders from Saved By Nature translated the walk into Spanish! It was a beautiful night strolling through the park, with families and friends listening, learning, and bonding in nature.

A few days shy of National Hispanic Heritage Month, this Sunset Walk celebrated Hispanic culture with an impressive folklórico performance by Yerba Buena high school students to top off the special evening.
Several buildings at History San Jose were open for people to tour and go back in time to experience some aspects of the historic ranchos and the Valley of Hearts Delight, a tribute to the days of which Santa Clara Valley was a main producer of fruit.

All attendees capped off the beautiful night accompanied by good music, good conversations, and a variety of scrumptious Mexican bread. It was such a treat!
We thank all our partners who made this event possible: City of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services, Open Space Authority of Santa Clara Valley, Saved By Nature, and History San Jose.
Thank you all for coming out to our last Sunset Walk at Kelley Park! We hope to see you at our future events. Stay tuned for more!