By Deb Kramer
On Monday, February 20, 2017, water began to flow over the Anderson Dam spillway. The Santa Clara Valley Water District had been releasing water since early December through the outlet (not spillway) to reduce the volume of water in the creek. It definitely had some downstream impacts. Our January cleanup was modified to accommodate the flooding at Capitol Expressway.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, Coyote Creek crested and major flooding occurred. Several neighborhoods and park along the creek were severely impacted. Hardest hit was the Rock Springs area and South Bay Mobile Home Park.
Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful was one of the organizers to help residents after the flood. We mobilized near 1200 people over the course of four days the first weekend after the flood with the help of the South Bay Clean Creek Coalition and Council member Raul Peralez’s office along with Mayor Liccardo’s office. All we had to do was ask, and people came!
Following the flood, many news reports sprouted up about the community effort.
Now, the analysis begins. Below are some articles addressing the past and future of Coyote Creek and the Anderson Dam that feeds the lower creek.
Mercury News: Editorial: San Jose, water district need a better system to deal with flood danger
Mercury News: Herhold: Coyote Creek flood echoes San Jose’s past
KRON4 News: VIDEO: San Jose still assessing damage of Coyote Creek flooding
KRON4 News: Flood recovery at San Jose’s Happy Hollow Zoo
San Jose Inside: New Emails Show Water District Limited Flow of Information to City Days before San Jose Flood
And, now, the San Jose City Council will hear from its constituents about the flood at a special council meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2017. The public comment will be interesting to hear.