What a great day for a creek cleanup! On Saturday, February 23, we had 96 enthusiastic volunteers come to Watson Park along Coyote Creek to remove 80 bags of trash and a multitude of other large items for a grand total of nearly 2 tons of trash. Just think, all that trash doesn't end up in the Bay.

Anhthy, Lanly & Karan ran great registration and tools check-in, which was very organized.

Some of the groups that came include VTSEVA, San Jose Marriott, SJSU Environmental Resource Center, and Stryker Endoscopy. We also had over 25 high school students (nearly 1/3 of our volunteers). And, why do our volunteers come? "The fact that it feels great when you have done something good to the environment," said Juan from one of the local high schools.
When asked, one high school student said that the most rewarding part of the event was "When you’re all done and seeing the area you worked on all cleaned up"
Thanks to Chuck and his truck to collect the trash and haul it to the trash collection area to give us a great finish.

Some weird finds included a pinball machine and dining chairs. "There is much more trash near the creek than I thought," said volunteer Katelin.