KCCB offers watershed education specifically for Coyote Creek. Our programs offer both in-person and kit formats for a variety of ages. We have school programs and group outings. Read below for more information on the different offerings.
To schedule programs or for more information contact
Molly Curtis, Education Coordinator, at molly@keepcoyotecreekbeautiful.org or 408.905.9207.

Scout’s Adventure to Coyote Creek
Scout’s Adventure is a multi-sensory, interactive tour of the Coyote Creek Watershed and its inhabitants, without having to leave the classroom. Students will engage their 5 senses and interact with a model to learn about the water cycle, watersheds, what plants and animals need to grow, and human impact on the environment. This presentation aligns with California NGSS and Health Education Content Standards, and is available for grade levels K-2nd and 3rd-5th.
View our flyer to preview the program.
Watershed in a Box
Watershed in a Box provides interactive kits for grades K-8 to explore water-related environmental issues. Activities include simulating water recycling, examining urban impacts on watersheds, preparing for floods, navigating challenges as fish in a board game, and learning about climate change through video and games. Each kit aligns with California NGSS educational standards and encourages hands-on learning and discussion. Each activity is 35-50 minutes.
A River Runs Through It (Grades 5th through 8th): Students use various materials to test permeability.
There and Back Again (Grades 4th through 6th): Students play a board game where they follow the journey of an Anadromous Fish.
There Is No Away (Grades K through 3rd): Students make a decomposition timeline.
Pollution Solutions (Grades 5th through 8th): Students make a decomposition timeline.
Be Prepared (Grades K through 3rd): Students choose items they would like in an emergency
View our flyer to preview the program.

College Presentations and Projects
College offerings are tailored to the individual course needs. Examples are Water Quality, Intro to Environmental Science, climate action projects, and marketing.
BioBlitz Service Learning Events
A BioBlitz is an event that focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. At a BioBlitz, scientists, families, students, teachers, and other community members work together to get an overall count of the plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms that live in a place. These events are a service learning opportunity since not only are participants learning, but they are contributing to iNaturalist, a tool to support science.
Read more here.
Nature Walks and Birdwatching
In partnership with a myriad of other organizations, we offer nature walks and birdwatching at some of the beautiful parks along the Coyote Creek park chain. Places we’ve visited include Coyote Creek Visitor Center, Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve, and Hellyer County Park.
Bike Rides
Join us as we ride along the Coyote Creek trail or through Coyote Valley while stopping at various locations to learn about the creek, nature, and the social connections we all have to our watershed. We recently hosted a ride for families at the Coyote Creek Habitat Day at the Coyote Creek Visitor Center in June.